Monday, August 20, 2018

How do I prevent MySQL Injection with PHP?

We all know that you can make a simple form with some HTML, put together a quick PHP script, build a few MySQL tables, and you have yourself a full, working application in a matter of minutes.

Your PHP may end up initally looking like this...

$sql = "SELECT * FROM SomeTable WHERE id = " . $_POST['id'];

The HTML script would contain the necessary form and input elements, and SomeTable would be in the database. But this creates the possibility of a MySQL injection.

To prevent mysql injection, we send the SQL query and user input in SEPARATE statements, called Prepared Statements. Put a question mark where you want the variable to be...

$db_link = new mysqli($hostname, $username, $password, $database);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM SomeTable WHERE id = ?";
$statement = $db_link->prepare($sql);

This will prevent users from submitting malicious data. Imagine, for example, if someone tried to submit an 'id' of value "0 AND DROP TABLES;", which would have a negative consequence on your app.

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